Will Robots Take My Job?

5 Reasons Why They Might

Will Robots Take My Job?

Robots are steadily taking over human jobs; there’s no doubt about that. But it’s not just blue-collar, labor-intensive work that they’re capable of doing, either. 

In recent years, they’ve also been advancing in more cognitive areas, such as reading and interpreting emotions, and even social skills like empathy and compassion. 

In other words, robots aren’t just learning to do the jobs we once thought humans would always do better; now they’re stealing the jobs we previously thought only humans could do at all. 

Will your job be next?

1) Robotic Process Automation

Will Robots Take My Job?

Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, is the use of software to automate business processes. RPA can be used to automate tasks such as data entry, form filling, and email responses. 

While RPA is not new, the recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have made RPA more powerful and versatile.

 Here are five reasons why RPA might take your job in the future: 

  1. RPA can automate repetitive tasks quickly and accurately. 
  2. RPA is an excellent way for companies to reduce overhead costs by replacing expensive employees with automated workflows. 
  3.  With AI becoming smarter every day, it's only a matter of time before robots will outperform humans in nearly every task imaginable—including taking jobs away from humans. 
  4.  AI has already demonstrated that it can outperform human doctors in diagnosing patients and better identify potential risk factors for disease development based on patient history and personal traits than any other medical practitioner—doctors included!
  5.  Machines are now getting so intelligent that they could replace even highly skilled professionals like surgeons.

2) Deep Learning AI

Will Robots Take My Job?

Many experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence believe that Deep Learning AI will eventually take over many jobs currently being done by humans. 

Here are five reasons why this might happen: 

  • Machine learning is becoming more and more sophisticated and can now handle tasks that were once thought to be too difficult for computers. 
  • The cost of labor is rising, while the cost of computing power is falling, making robots a more attractive option for businesses.
  • Machines do not get tired or require health insurance, which makes them desirable for those with large amounts of employees.
  • Businesses often want to outsource risky decisions so that they do not have any liability associated with the decision if it goes wrong; machines could be programmed in such a way as to eliminate the human element from important decisions without incurring any liability on behalf of the business owner.

3) Augmented Reality

Will Robots Take My Job?

Though not yet widely adopted, augmented reality (AR) is poised to have a big impact in a number of industries. 

With AR, businesses can provide employees with real-time data and instructions overlaid on their physical surroundings.

This can be especially helpful in dangerous or difficult work environments. And since AR can be used with existing hardware, it doesn't require a major investment to get started.

 Instead of adding more humans to the payroll, companies can use AR to increase efficiency for the ones they already have.

4) Natural Language Processing

Will Robots Take My Job?

With the rise of artificial intelligence, many people are wondering if their jobs will soon be replaced by robots. Natural language processing is one area where robots are starting to make inroads.

This technology involves teaching computers to understand human language and respond in a way that is natural for humans. For example, Google Home can answer questions about the weather or what time a movie starts. 

The first reason why your job might be at risk: artificial intelligence has already begun replacing white-collar workers. 

For example, it has been predicted that around 90% of customer service representatives will lose their jobs because they can't keep up with artificially intelligent chat-bots that use deep learning algorithms to parse complicated customer requests.

5) Virtual and Augmented Reality

Will Robots Take My Job?

With the increasing development of technology, many people are wondering if their jobs will be replaced by robots in the future. 

Here are five reasons why this can happen:

  • Technology is becoming more advanced. With the increasing development of technology, it is becoming more advanced and sophisticated. This means that it is able to do more tasks that were once done by humans. 
  • Robots are becoming more affordable. As technology becomes more advanced, it also becomes more affordable. It can even be used at home with a smartphone! More people are deciding to buy these devices because they save money on things like groceries and gas. If a robot can do the same task for cheaper than what a human can, there's no question about which one employers would choose. 
  • Jobs could change for the better with automation. It's true that some jobs will be taken over by robots but some jobs could change for the better with automation!

Belahsen Mahmoudi
By : Belahsen Mahmoudi

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